September 26, 2017

A quick walking tour through Swakopmund

There aren't many towns that offer quite as much to the traveller on foot as Swakopmund. The historic town is located where the desert hugs the Atlantic Ocean, north of Walvis, and was the original settlement of German colonists. Swakopmund has a distinctly quirky style that managed to survive even with its growth in size. A walk along its roads reveals little treasures that are easily overlooked otherwise. Make a trip of it and take our walking tour to get the most out of Swakopmund.
October 30, 2017

Top 4 View Points in Windhoek

How about taking a couple of minutes to escape from your screen and busy schedule? Finish the year with the same energy you started. I have compiled a list of tiny escapes right here in Windhoek with beautiful views. Beauty is everywhere, whether you appreciate it today, on Christmas day or only next year January until the “New Year, new me” motion has passed. There is poetry in each sunset, a spiritual element in every scenic view. Few things are as liberating as watching a sunset from your favourite spot with a good friend.