May 27, 2013

Villa Vista

Compiled by Marita van Rooyen A room with a view is a prerequisite on many a traveller’s list. But an entire guesthouse with a host of […]
July 10, 2013

Divava Okavango Lodge & Spa

Divava Okavango Lodge & Spa, in the Bagani area close to Divundu, is  Namibia ’s hidden wildlife paradise in the Kavango Region, where time stands still. […]
July 10, 2013

Namib Naukluft Park

In 2007, on the hundredth anniversary of the Namib-Naukluft Park, Dr Mary Seely revealed the park’s uniqueness and wonder in this article for the April 2007 […]
July 11, 2013

Le Mirage Lodge & Spa

Le Mirage Desert Lodge & Spa is located only 21 km from Sesriem at the entrance gate to the Namib Naukluft Park and Sossusvlei. The lodge […]
August 30, 2013

Bountiful Bethanie

Text and photos by Peter Cunningham A red fortress-like sign with the imperative Welcome to Bethanie – enjoy your stay greets you as you enter town, […]
September 6, 2013

Orange River – time to paddle

Text and photos by Ron Swilling Paddling on the Orange River that divides and joins the two countries of Namibia and South Africa is to find […]
October 10, 2013

Day trips from Windhoek

A drive a day keeps the boredom at bay Text Marita van Rooyen When Windhoek has become somewhat ‘stale’ and you’ve run out of ways to […]
December 6, 2013

Camping with agamas

What started out as a basic campsite with restaurant in 2007 has since developed into one of the best rest stops in the Sossusvlei environs. Owners […]
December 13, 2013

Etosha: A slice of barren beauty

by Dalene Ingham-Brown While on my journey through Namibia on an overland trip in Africa, I passed through Etosha National Park’s Etosha Pan in northern Namibia. […]
December 31, 2013

A phenomenal dot called Garies Restcamp

Text and photographs Marita van Rooyen Each and every night – for some hours after sunset – the deep darkness of a small establishment located somewhere between […]
February 26, 2014

Otjiterazu Guest Farm – A Namibian Oasis

The word “oasis” quickly becomes a hospitality cliché in a desert country, but if there’s one place that deserves the description, it’s Otjiterazu Guest Farm. The […]
March 4, 2014

Etosha – The place of White Open Spaces

Main photograph: Yellow billed hornbill and full moon at Halali. Photo ©Annabelle Venter Etosha National Park covers an area of approximately 22 270 square kilometres and […]
March 6, 2014

Skeleton Coast Park | Remote Wilderness

“The thing I love is the pristine nature of the untouched landscapes. There are special things here – the desert elephants and the burrowing Gerrhosaurus skoogi. […]
March 31, 2014

Etosha Magic – Green, Wet and Amazing

Photographer, writer and general creative wonder Annabelle Venter recently embarked on a weekend tour of one of her favourite spots in Namibia (if not the world). […]