Fresh air for the fear

Fresh air for the fear

Text Elzanne McCulloch   |   Photographs Le Roux van Schalkwyk

From the Autumn 2021 issue

In my dreams I feel a gentle wind rustling through my hair. The sun on my face. I hear the call of a francolin as he ushers in the day… and all around me is space.

Those are the memories nature lovers cling to during times spent indoors. On our Netflix screens we have been able to enjoy virtual safaris and have listened to Sir David Attenborough insisting that the end is in fact nigh. Despite the beautiful episodes of Planet Earth or rewatching Our Planet ten times, nothing quite hits the spot like actually being outside. I shiver at the thought of a future where the “new normal” of a safari occurs through an artificial interaction on a screen. Some are advocating for it. For those virtual experiences that will let you escape your fourth floor walk-up flat in London and delve into the wilds of Africa. But it’s not the same, is it? It’s not authentic. By its very definition it’s not real. What we need during and after this time of uncertainty and fear, is to truly experience the real world again. To escape the enclosures and step free.

So are you ready? To travel again? To feel the fresh air on your face and the wind rustling through your hair?

There may be no better place than Namibia to experience your first taste of true freedom again. Of all the medical advice dispensed over the course of the pandemic, isolation may be the most consistent. And where better to experience nature, freedom and space than in the second least densely populated country in the world? With only 2.2 people per km2. Where social distancing has been a natural state of being long before all this madness started.

Namibia has been applauded for its swift and successful response to the pandemic. We currently have a low infection rate, we have implemented effective testing methods and have recently launched a nationwide vaccination plan. Beyond all this, what we have in absolute spades… is space and fresh air. Fresh air and freedom to help you conquer the fear and reconnect with nature, the outdoors and yourself.

Namibia offers you the true experience. Not a short-lived dopamine high from watching another influencer reel on Instagram. An opportunity to create lasting memories. Truthful ones. And do so safely. We have had the perfect opportunity to reset our priorities, both as a travel industry and as travellers. So come get your dose of fresh air here to dispel the fear.

Here are some tips for safe travel through our land of magnificent wide open spaces:


Pick your destination wisely and opt for longer stays at your places of choice. A self-drive or private guided vehicle will allow you further peace of mind as this will decrease the amount of time spent in enclosed spaces with others.


Most transmissions of respiratory viruses happen indoors. When outdoors, especially if the air is moving, risk of transmission is low to non-existent. Hiking, biking, open game viewers, nature walks – these are great low-risk activities. Nature is the ultimate battery recharger, so allow yourself to slow down.


When you choose your accommodation, opt for small and more private lodges with lower guest ratios. Be sure to check the lodge’s COVID protocols and assert whether they are following the government’s guidelines for tourism establishments (which you can find on our website.) Most lodges in Namibia are designed to allow for the safest stay. They have terraces and balconies and are laid out in a way that air can circulate through the room. Tented camps are especially good in this regard. Or stay outdoors – camping is always a great idea.


Don’t forget to follow the safety guidelines that should by now be ingrained in our global collective psyche. Wash your hands, wear a face mask correctly in public spaces (this is also required by law in Namibia) and keep a safe distance from fellow travellers. Be extra vigilant during your flights. If you follow these steps, there is no reason that you wouldn’t be able to safely enjoy the wonderful freedom that spacious Namibia offers.

We can’t wait to welcome you to Namibia! TNN


What are COVID vaccine passports?
As the name suggests, this would be proof that the holder has been vaccinated against COVID, once again allowing them to move freely between countries. With the growing number of people being vaccinated across the globe, it’s a concept that is quickly gathering momentum and might well be introduced worldwide soon enough. In March 2021 the EU proposed a digital green pass in order to reboot European tourism by the end of June. Let’s hope that those documents can be extended further afield to help promote long-haul travel so that our source markets may more easily return to their favourite African destination – Namibia of course!


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