Magic rain through the lens of Paul van Schalkwyk

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March 20, 2013
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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Namibia’s 2012/2013 summer was marked by mostly dry and hot conditions. Very little rain fell in the major parts of the country, leading weather experts to conclude that drought conditions had set in. But here and there, the rain did fall, and one weekend was marked with scattered rain showers and thunderstorms across much of Namibia. Renowned Namibian landscape and aerial photographer Paul van Schalkwyk took to the Namibian skies and was able to capture the magnificent visual images. There really is nothing like Namibian rain falling on thirsty landscapes, and Paul was able to succinctly capture the magic of such an event.

Paul van Schalkwyk

Rain and dust by Paul van Schalkwyk


Paul van Schalkwyk

NamibRand rain by Paul van Schalkwyk


Paul van Schalkwyk

Light showers by Paul van Schalkwyk


Paul van Schalkwyk

Desert rainbow by Paul van Schalkwyk



About Paul van Schalkwyk:

Paul van Schalkwyk’s exhibitions, both solo and with other Namibian artists, have been greatly successful, and in 2004 he was one of only nine African artists invited to exhibit at the Artiade during the 2004 Olympics in Athens, the international art exhibition that travels with the Olympic Games.

His more commercial work is marketed under the TALA brand and features images captured during his travels through Africa and around Namibia. More realistic and decorative, the TALA range is most successful for interior design that can accommodate large images that bring the beauty of Africa to spaces with visual impact.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Read more stories about photographer Paul van Schalkwyk 


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