September 18, 2013

Wordweaver sets up shop

Namibia’s first fiction publisher, Wordweaver, recently set up shop at the Namibia Craft Centre (entrance from Garten Street). Owner Bryony van der Merwe – an inspirational […]
December 20, 2024

The Etosha Pan

The Etosha pan is a large endorheic basin, covering an area of approximately 4760 km2 and stretching some 120km from east to west and 55km north to south. This area is so vast that it is visible from space. Most visitors and tourists to Namibia’s flagship park are greeted with stunning sights of the vast, shimmering expanse of the pan as they navigate their way along scenic routes. Every now and again, specks of wildlife can be seen in the distance, traversing parts of the pan, leaving one pondering the fact as to what could possibly draw them to such a seemingly barren, desolate wasteland.
December 21, 2024

The Stonemen

Flint and friends in Kaokoland is a spellbinding journey into the heart of Namibia’s remote and mystical Kaokoland, where the lines between reality and legend blur against the backdrop of vast desert landscapes. Authored by Ron Swilling, who skillfully narrates the story as told to her, this book delves into the adventures of Flint Firestone as he navigates through the wilds of Kaokoland, meeting an array of mysterious stone figures – each with their own story to tell. The creator of these enigmatic Stonemen remains anonymous, adding an extra layer of mystery to this compelling narrative.