The View From Here: An Ode to Camping

Waking up in a rooftop tent in the beautiful Namib-Naukluft National Park.


An ode to camping

Text   Rièth van Schalkwyk

From the Autumn 2021 issue

It is autumn in Namibia – the best time for camping. It is the season of dramatic rain clouds and unexpected showers, or clear blue skies, crisp early mornings and the most glorious sunsets. They say that when the sun dips in Namibia you can just open a camping chair wherever you are and you will have a perfect setting for a spectacular photo. Or if you are more into simply appreciating the moment, it will be the perfect setting for a toast to life and the good fortune of being free and in nature.

Namibians are spoilt. We grow up taking camping for granted. It comes so naturally. It is quick and easy. What more does one need than a bedroll on the roof rack, an extra fuel tank, and time? No matter which direction you drive out of the capital, you will find a “free camping” spot in a riverbed or on a mountain pass within an hour or two. Admittedly, I have spent some nights inside the Land Rover instead of on the roof, because of a rainstorm in autumn. And slept next to the road near a flooding river when I had expected to sit around a fire on the soft sand in that same riverbed.

Adventures do happen when you go camping in Namibia, which is probably one of the reasons we love it so much. I cannot recall any place in Namibia where I have slept under the stars over many decades that did not give me that sense of absolute satisfaction. One night maybe in the Ugab River when the mosquitos were so overwhelming that we lit a fire and spent the night talking. Also, the first time I missed a tent.

After many road trips through southern and eastern Africa, as far north as Ethiopia, my unbiased opinion remains that Namibia is by far the best value for time spent camping. It certainly is camping for beginners in terms of what you get for the effort you put in.

In this series I will tell you about secret places and interesting routes off the beaten tracks. But just to start the conversation, let’s make it clear why I say that Namibia is the ultimate for camping in Africa: Firstly, we have a road network to lead you literally everywhere in a basic 4×4. Secondly, vehicles of all kinds, equipped for camping in our conditions can be rented from reliable companies who will take care of you if you encounter problems anywhere in the 824,246 km2 of our country.

The one thing that puts Namibia above any other camping destination is the weather. And of course the fact that this large country is so sparsely populated, that if you really want to be alone you can be. It will need a little more planning, but it is absolutely possible.

But the ultimate is that you can always have a view from your rooftop tent. TNN

Follow Rieth’s travel and camping adventures in this new TNN series.

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