Winter weather at a glance

Photography tips – A dream destination
June 23, 2015
TNN goes mountain biking with CYMOT
June 25, 2015
Photography tips – A dream destination
June 23, 2015
TNN goes mountain biking with CYMOT
June 25, 2015

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Compiled by Annabelle Venter | Photograph Paul van Schalkwyk

Clear blue skies and warm daytime temperatures – this is an ideal time to travel in Namibia.

We’re back on wintertime, which is GMT +1 in Namibia. It means that we have daylight earlier in the morning, already before office hours, but less at the end of the day as the sun sets around 17h30 (see table). The Zambezi region remains on GMT +2 all year round.

This year we experienced an unusually late rainy season, but despite rather low rainfall figures we still have loads of green grass covering the central highlands even now, as winter approaches. Areas further south have not been so lucky, while Etosha has had late rains in places.
Mornings and nights can be very chilly in June and especially in July, our coldest month, and we all look for a spot in the sun as the day progresses. Clear skies during winter add to the night-time drop in temperatures, so don’t forget to wrap up warmly after dark.
Winter at the coast is full of surprises. If it isn‘t cold and misty, strong easterly winds may be blowing from the interior with warm to hot and sunny days in their wake. Bring some summer clothes and your swimsuit – just in case.


Month:             June      July      Aug

Windhoek           7/20    6/20      9/23
Swakopmund      9/23    8/21      8/20
Zambezi             6/27    6/27      9/30
Etosha                7/25    7/25      9/29


Times:      Sunrise          Sunset

5 June          06h29            17h15
15 July         06h31            17h24
15 August     06h16            17h36

With no chance of rain, winter is a great time of year to travel and it’s particularly good for game viewing in Etosha, our premier game park. In a dry year like this, animals are forced to visit waterholes earlier than usual. The elephants will have returned to the vicinity of the waterholes by now and will visit them every day. A shortage of natural savannah grass could mean, however, that difficult times are in store.
In the far south-western corner of Namibia you may experience winter rainfalls as a result of South Atlantic cold fronts moving in across neighbouring South Africa. You might even be lucky enough to witness a little snowfall in the south – very rare but amazing to experience. For the rest of the country you can look forward to perfect travelling weather, with midday temperatures in the northern parts warm enough for a swim!


Months:          March      April       May

Windhoek          81 mm    38 mm    6 mm
NorthEaster       96 mm    37 mm    2 mm
Coastal areas      8 mm     2 mm     2 mm


It’s wonderful to go camping in Namibia just before full moon and enjoy the maximum amount of natural light in the early part of the night. If you ever said you’ll do something only once in a ‘blue moon’ then your chance arrives in July!

Full Moon          New Moon
2 June                   16 June
2 July                    16 July
31 July                  14 August
29 August

Blue Moon
31 July
Second full moon in the same calendar month

Winter Solstice
21 June


  • After late rains the risk of malaria still exists. If you travel north of Windhoek, add malaria prophylaxis to your medication list and spray/cover yourself after dark.
  • Sunscreen: with no clouds and beautiful sunny days, sunburn is a reality in winter as well.
  • Hydration: drink enough fluids throughout the day. It’s a very dry time of year and humidity is extremely low.


This article was first published in the Winter 2015 issue of Travel News Namibia.


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